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Authority in Christ


Course Description: The Authority in Christ course is a project-based learning experience that focuses on understanding and applying the authority given to believers in Christ. Module 1: Introduction to Authority in Christ: This module focuses on providing students with a comprehensive understanding of authority. They explore the concept of authority, delving into its meaning and significance. Module 2: Jesus as our Example: In this module, students study the Gospel of Matthew to gain insights into Jesus' authority. Module 3: The Authority in Kingdom Representation: Module 3 centers around exploring the authority bestowed upon believers in the context of Kingdom representation. Module 4: Walking in Authority: This module focuses on the practical application of authority in believers' lives. Students engage in a comprehensive study of scriptures that emphasize Jesus' healing ministry, specifically His interactions with the sick. Module 5: Living as Kingdom Representatives: Module 5 deepens students' understanding of living as ambassadors for Christ. They recognize the responsibilities associated with this role and explore the concept of believers being the voice of heaven on earth. Module 6: Project-Based Learning: The final module provides students with a practical learning experience.




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