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Oneness - A God Identity: Understanding the Mystical Union

Writer's picture: Steven WoodwardSteven Woodward


In the Gospel of John, Jesus introduces a profound concept that transcends traditional understanding - the concept of Oneness. Oneness refers to the inseparable union between God and humanity, where God operates not independently of us but through us. This divine connection reveals the true identity of believers and their purpose as ambassadors of Christ, entrusted with the mission to manifest God's love, power, and wisdom on Earth.

Oneness in John 14:10:

John 14:10 presents Jesus's declaration of unity with the Father, emphasizing that His words and miracles are not of His own doing but are expressions of the Father's dwelling within Him. This profound statement challenges conventional beliefs and invites us to explore the depth of divine connection that Jesus experienced.

The Mystic Phraseology of "Dwell" (John 14:10 TPT):

To truly grasp the significance of Oneness, we delve into the Greek term "menó," used in the mystical phraseology of John. "Menó" signifies God's continual and operative presence within Christ. It portrays the Father dwelling within Jesus, continually influencing and energizing His life and actions. This mystical union illustrates the intimate bond between the Divine and the human.

Bearing Fruit Through Oneness (John 15:16):

In John 15:16, Jesus expounds on the concept of bearing fruit within the context of Oneness. To understand the depth of this metaphor, we explore the Greek term "karpós," which refers not only to physical fruit but also to everything done in true partnership with Christ. This reveals that the fruitfulness of believers is a result of their intimate union with the Vine - Jesus Christ. When we align our lives with Him, our actions yield eternal and transformative outcomes.

The Reality of Oneness:

Jesus's proclamation, "I AM the way, the truth, and the life," takes on a deeper significance when viewed through the lens of Oneness. This profound statement implies that Jesus speaks from the ultimate reality of being one with the Father. His words are not mere philosophical concepts but expressions of the divine truth manifested through His inseparable connection with the Almighty.

The Unity in 1 Corinthians 6:17:

The Apostle Paul emphasizes the unity achieved through Oneness in 1 Corinthians 6:17. By joining ourselves to the Lord, we become one spirit with Him. This soul-knit friendship illustrates the intimacy and depth of the relationship between believers and God. Oneness unites us with the very essence of the Divine, transforming our lives and empowering us to live according to God's purposes.

Ambassadors for Christ (2 Corinthians 5:20):

Paul continues to shed light on the implications of Oneness, describing believers as ambassadors for Christ. As God's emissaries, believers are entrusted with the authority to represent His kingdom on Earth. This divine commission bestows upon us the responsibility to reflect God's love, grace, and justice to the world. By embracing our God-given identity, we can effectively carry out our ambassadorial role.

Putting on the New Self (Ephesians 4:24):

Ephesians 4:24 encourages believers to put on the new self, created in the likeness of God. This process of transformation involves adopting the qualities and attributes of God in righteousness and holiness of the truth. As we embrace Oneness, we participate in the divine nature, becoming living reflections of God's character and love in the world.

You Are "A" god - John 10:34-35:

To clarify Jesus's reference to Psalm 82:6 in John 10:34-35, we explore the Hebraistic usage of the term "gods" (theos). It signifies those who, in some respect, resemble or represent God. In this context, it denotes believers as God's representatives or vicegerents, carrying out His will on Earth.

Clarifying "Vicegerent" - Representing God:

Understanding the concept of "vicegerent" deepens our understanding of our divine identity. As vicegerents, we are delegated to exercise power on behalf of God, acting as earthly representatives of the Almighty. This role emphasizes our authority and responsibility to carry out God's divine purposes with love, wisdom, and compassion.

Works of the Father (John 10:37-38):

Jesus emphasizes that the works He performs are not merely His own but are expressions of the Father working in Him. Through this statement, He redirects attention to the source of His power and reaffirms the concept of Oneness. This revelation challenges the notion of Jesus acting independently from God, affirming their inseparable union.


  1. Is Oneness limited to Christians? Oneness is a universal concept that transcends religious boundaries, as God operates through all of humanity, irrespective of their beliefs.

  2. Does Oneness mean we are equal to God? While Oneness signifies a divine union with God, it does not equate believers to the Almighty; rather, it highlights our representation of His nature and power.

  3. How can I experience Oneness in my life? Embrace the teachings of Christ, develop a deeper spiritual connection through prayer and meditation, and allow God to work through you in your daily actions.


Oneness - A God Identity - unveils the profound truth that God operates not apart from us, but through us. This mystical union empowers believers to bear fruit and manifest the miraculous works of the Father. By embracing our identity as ambassadors for Christ, we become living reflections of God's love and grace in the world. Let us walk in the awareness of this profound truth and live in the fullness of our God-given identity. As we do so, we participate in the divine plan of bringing Heaven to Earth and advancing God's kingdom for the transformation of humanity.

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